employment discrimination

Can I lose my job for filing a discrimination lawsuit?

Tampa, FL employment plaintiff attorney Jack Holcomb discusses whether or not you can lose your job by filing a discrimination lawsuit. He explains that if someone is currently employed and has experienced discrimination or harassment at work, they should not hesitate to contact a lawyer. A lawyer is there to provide support throughout the entire process. It is important to note that any communications between the individual and their attorney will be privileged, meaning they are confidential and protected. Even if the person is still working for the company, they need not worry about facing retaliation solely for consulting with a lawyer. The attorney will work to help them navigate their situation, ensuring that they can either address and rectify the issues in their current workplace or explore options for transitioning to a new job.

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601 S. Harbour Island Blvd.,

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1343 Main Street Ste. 500,

Sarasota, FL 34236.

Holcomb law

601 S. Harbour Island Blvd.,

Ste. 109, Tampa, FL 33602.

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